Sri RamaKrishna Paramhansadeb
"A man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything."
Sri Sarda Devi
"Each has to get the result of the actions one has earned for this life. A pin at least must prick where a wound from a sword was due."
Swami Abhedananda
"Every religion can be divided into two parts, one of which may be called the nonessential and the other the essential.."Ramakrishna Vedanta Math-Other Branches
DARJEELING BRANCH:Services rendered by Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama, Darjeeling :
Propagation of Vedanta and Indian Culture through public Lectures, seminars and sale of books on Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Abhedananda and Vedanta literature in Bengali, English, Hindi and Nepali languages.
Sarada Nepali Girl's Primary School - run under Free and Compulsory Education Rules , since the year 1935 in Nepali Medium. Present roll strength is 50
Ramakrishna B.T. College (Sponsored), since the year 1956
Free Reading Room and Library - both for public and for all categories of students and research scholars
Charitable Homeopathy Dispensary - about 15000 people of the Nepali tribes and the public in general of Darjeeling proper are treated every year free of all costs at the branch dispensary
Vocational Training is offered in knitting and tailoring to about 60 trainees of the hill tribes
Daridranarayan Seva - held on all festive occasions
KURSEONG BRANCH:Services rendered by Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama, (Seva-Kendra) Kurseong:
Propagation of Vedanta through Daily Discourses and sale Of books on Ramamkrishna - Vivekananda - Abhedananda and Vedanta literature.
Ramakrishna High School for Girls - in Nepali medium since the year 1970. Present Roll strength - 674
Ramakrishna Junior Basic School Units I& II -Since the year 1956 . Present Roll strength -510
Saradamoni Girl's Hostel - Since the year 1980, at present accommodating 40 poor Nepali girl students.
Free Reading Room and Library in the Ashrama mainly for students and the reading public.
Charitable Homoeopathy Dispensary - 5000 persons of the poor hill tribes and the public in general of Kurseong were treated free of all costs
Daridranarayan Seva - held on all festive occasions
SILIGURI BRANCH:Services rendered by Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama at Nivedita road, Pradhannagar:
Propagation of Vedanta and Indian Culture through daily discourses, public lectures, seminars, essay composition, sale of books etc. by the Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama at Nivedita road, for the benefit of all persons irrespective of caste, creed or colour. Large school buildings constructed during recent years.
Popular Charitable Homoeopathy Dispensary at Nivedita Road Ashrama catering to the needs of the poorest section of the people, far and wide, Prodhannagar and its surroundings. A total of 7,254 persons received treatment and medicines free of costs whatsoever during the year.
Margaret (Sister Nivedita) English School — since the year 1966 Bengali medium and English medium for both boys and girls with present roll strength of 2,907 students.
Ramakrishna Urban Junior Basic School — since the year 1956 with present roll strength of 650 students.
Sister Nivedita English Nursary & Primary School — since the year 1960 with present roll strength of 922 students.
06. Swami Abhedananda Students' Home in Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama at Hill Cart Road, Pradhannagar, giving Hostel accommodation and all other facilities to a number of students every year.
Free Play Ground for students - adjacent Margaret School Premises
Relief and Daridranarayan Seva - to thousands of poor and distressed people who are fed carefully and clothes and/or blankets are distributed to many of them and distress relief given on the occasions of festivals held every year
Both Allopathy and Homoeopathy Dispensaries are run by qualified doctors.