Sri RamaKrishna Paramhansadeb
"A man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything."
Sri Sarda Devi
"Each has to get the result of the actions one has earned for this life. A pin at least must prick where a wound from a sword was due."
Swami Abhedananda
"Every religion can be divided into two parts, one of which may be called the nonessential and the other the essential.."Ramakrishna Vedanta Math-History
The Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, Calcutta, along with its branches at various places in West Bengal, is exclusively meant for charitable,philanthropic and cultural works for serving mankind, irrespective of caste ,creed, color and religion.
On the call of Swami Vivekananda,Swami Abhedananda went to England in 1896 and then to America in 1897 to propagate the great ideal and teachings of his great master Sri Ramakrishna Deva as well as Vedanta, the universal religion and philosophy of India. He returned to Calcutta in 1921 and started Ramakrishna Vedanta Society at Calcutta, which he later dedicated to Sri Ramakrishna Deva and named it "Ramakrishna Vedanta Math".

After Swami Abhedananda, the Founder-President, left his mortal coil, his disciples Swami Chitswarupananda, Swami Sadrupananda, Swami Sadatmananda and Swami Prajnanananda held the office of the President one after another. Swami Prajnanananda was a Sannyasi of very high spiritual stature. His unfathomed scholarship in innumerable subjects and contribution in spiritual world will shine as a beacon-light to the seekers of truth for ever. As a musicologist he was the authority in India and the books on this subject written by him in both English and Bengali are followed as text and for reference books in reputed universities in India and abroad. Many scholars received Ph.D. and D.Litt.. Degrees of the Universities under his research guidance and examinership. Swami Samshuddhananda, a senior disciple of Swami Prajnanananda has been the last selected president since October 1998.
All activities, charitable, philanthropic and cultural, are carried on by grants from Government and other institutions, charges from students, public donations etc. and the accounts annually audited by qualified auditors.
Aims and Objectives A Brief History
It was the purpose of Swami Abhedananda to install a new life in the nation through the ideal of renunciation and service he wanted-
- To import, promote and spread the study of all phases of Vedanta philosophy and its principles and rituals as propounded by Thakur Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna Dev and practically illustrated by his own life
- To supplement the present system of general education by imparting spiritual, moral, artistic, vocational and physical trainin
- To spread the idea of that universal religion that underlies the sects and creeds of special religions and to propagate the principles taught by the great Seers of Truth and the religious leaders of several countries, and to help mankind in practical application of those principles in their spiritual, moral, intellectual, cultural and physical needs
- To carry on educational work among the masses
- To remove untouchability and other social prejudices, and to cultivate brotherly feelings among all
- To help the sick ,the needy, and the distressed, specially by establishing charitable dispensaries, orphanages and other similar institutions