Sri RamaKrishna Paramhansadeb
"A man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything."
Sri Sarda Devi
"Each has to get the result of the actions one has earned for this life. A pin at least must prick where a wound from a sword was due."
Swami Abhedananda
"Every religion can be divided into two parts, one of which may be called the nonessential and the other the essential.."Works of Swami Abhedananda

This important book deals with the study of astronomical science comprising five illuminating lectures
Demy Octavo, pages-114 Price: Rs. 75.00
Lectures and Addresses by Swami Abhedananda delivered in India from Colombo to Calcutta and Calcutta to Bombay
Demy Octavo, pages-276 Price: Rs. 100.00
The first ever lecture by Swami Abhedananda on his landing to London, delivered at the Christo-Theosophical Society
Demy Octavo, pages-25 Price: Rs. 10.00
The different arrays of thought and problem of Vedanta Philosophy - A thesis on Vedanta Philosophy by the Swami from different angles of vision.
Demy Octavo, pages-208 Price: Rs. 50.00
Christian science does not see any harmony between absolute Truth and the scientific truth and the scientific truths discovered by so-called mortal minds, but Vedanta, on the contrary, sees perfect harmony
Crown Octavo, pages-28. Price : Rs. 10.00
The law of causation or that of karma includes the law that the like produces the like, or that every action must be followed by a reaction of a similar nature
Crown Octavo, pages-142. Price : Rs. 60.00
The Swami most convincingly establishes the fact that, " however animal the expression of the nature of an ordinary man of the world may be, his soul is still the image of the Divinity.."
Crown Octavo, pages-140. Price : Rs. 40.00
TThe science and practice of Yoga as a whole has been dealt with by Swami Abhedananda in this book having nine illuminating chapters on different types of Yoga along with their philosophy and science
Crown Octavo, pages-204. Price : Rs. 60.00
A get-together of letters by Swami Abhedananda translated by Shri J. K.Ray, M.Sc, I. A. S.
Demy Octavo, pages-146. Price : Rs. 98.00
A work on mysticism dealing with the process of Divine Communion through love and love alone
Crown Octavo, pages-62. Price : Rs. 15.00
Philosophy and Religion of the Katha Upanishad. Mystery of Death viewed with modern scientific outlook
Demy Octavo, pages-324. Price.: Rs. 120.00
A wise anthology of the precepts and parables of the great Master by his gifted disciple Swami Abhedananda
Demy Octavo, pages-121. Price : Rs. 65.00